Fun Hobbies To Try At Your Condo

Sep 23, 2021

As we become more and more accustomed to spending our days at home, we are gradually learning that there is a limit to how many movies and TV series we can watch before getting bored. Maybe it's time to take up a new hobby—perhaps one that you've always put off. Forming up a routine is also beneficial to your mental health, as it keeps you engaged enough to make mindfulness a priority without you having to strive too hard. 

Vista Residences believes that spending your time productively while also enjoying a few and new hobbies at your condo unit is a good way to go. These activities will provide you new ways to further enjoy condo living while also alleviating stress if you learn them under quarantine. So, here are a few fun hobbies to take advantage of during this new normal so you can pursue a new interest while staying at home. 

Become a plantito/plantita and rediscover nature

Use your natural aptitude and green thumb for gardening to your advantage and learn how to do it properly. Because after all, you may rediscover nature at any time and in any place. Gardening does not require the presence of a garden in order to be practiced, therefore you may do it wherever you are. Condo living doesn’t have to be limited. 

Because not everyone has a backyard or a balcony when it comes to condo living, consider plants that require less sunshine. With simply a container of soil and a small amount of sunlight, you can easily create your own indoor garden. With Vista Residences, gardening has never been easier. Bringing in low-maintenance plants may one way or another transform an empty area in your condo into a thriving, vibrant green space.  

But remember, even houseplants, though, require maintenance. Many online nurseries provide training on how to care for plants. You can also download a few gardening apps on your phone to help you keep track of your plant babies. During the lockdown, tend to your patch of green to see how it blooms your condo design space while supporting your well-being and relaxation.

Have a go at learning new recipes and be a Masterchef of your own

Even if you're not much of a cook, this lockdown will undoubtedly provide you with the opportunity to improve your skills. Cooking is one of the most fundamental activities to choose if you are bored at home, because we all need to cook, regardless of our circumstances. 

However, with a few tips and methods, it allows us to experiment with various culinary approaches. Start with simple recipes and gradually enhance your abilities by adjusting sauces or techniques. As a result, rather than depending on online food delivery at your home, you may simply create new recipes using ingredients from your pantry.

While condo living allows you to take advantage of plenty of restaurants nearby, cooking at home is still the only way to go if you want nutritious and inexpensive meals. The advantages of eating home-cooked meals over eating take-out at your condo are numerous. That is why considering cooking as a hobby and preparing your own meals allows you to have complete control over the ingredients in your meals and to avoid anything that may cause allergies. This is especially useful if you're hosting friends or family members who have food allergies or sensitivities.

Express your inner thoughts through journal writing

While writing is a fantastic hobby in general, now is one of the finest occasions to use words to express oneself. It is not necessary for your writing to be organized or intentional; it should just contain your ideas and observations. In your diary, you can write down whatever you're feeling. As you look into the city lights from your condo’s windows, write anything that comes to your mind. It's been proven to assist with tension and irritation when you're alone.

Not to mention that journal writing can serve as a precious keepsake and a little historical record of what we're all going through. You might even stumble upon it soon in the future and remember the days you spent right now and inspire you to overcome your problems in the future. 

Foster an animal

Fostering animals is a fantastic way to spend your free time. Contact your local animal shelter to see how you can aid furry companions in need. It will not only result in an overdose of cuteness, hugs, and kisses, but it will also help prepare the animal for future adoption and free up space in the shelter, allowing it to accept more animals. You'll thank Vista Residences later if you get some puppy (or kitten) love without the long-term commitment.

Stroke that paintbrush and spread color to your life

Painting is one of those pastimes that allows you to unwind, have fun, and acquire new skills all at the same time. We can't fathom a world without color, and a painting's essence is encapsulated in its own color scheme. On top of it, you can help spice up your condo design with your very own works of art. 

 If you're a total beginner, it’s better to start with acrylic paints. They are low-cost and simple to use for novices. Acrylic paints are also water-soluble, simple to remove from your materials, fast to dry, and forgiving. Think ahead and plan what you're going to paint before you sit down in front of the canvas for the first time. Create a Pinterest Board for ideas, or locate photographs you adore and reproduce them. Collecting photos that you like will help you come up with new ideas, expand your creativity, and inspire you to think visually.

In comfortable condo spaces and perfect condo living experiences offered by Vista Residences, you can relax and paint anytime you want. You don't need to travel anywhere to be inspired to paint. The interiors of Vista Residence are enough to inspire you to paint at your own pace! 

Take up an online exercise class

Exercise may be both a pleasurable and useful pastime. Fitness activities, as well as fitness classes, can fit into a variety of different niches in a person's life. It may be a very worthwhile way to spend time that is not spent working, going to school, or taking care of personal duties. You can always enjoy exercising along with a Youtube video or listening to your favorite podcast while you work out at home.

Condo living in Vista Residences makes exercising even easier for you. Condo living allows you to make use of communal amenities such as a pool, rooftop patios, and a fitness center, which you can use without having to worry about maintenance. Because your gym is close to your condo unit, you're more likely to return home after your workout, avoiding the temptations of eateries and food carts that are frequent near commercial gyms!

Hobbies are necessary for living a balanced lifestyle. Saving time for oneself to pursue a hobby will bring physical, mental, emotional, and creative advantages, making life more meaningful, calming, and enjoyable!

Regardless of the hobby you pursue, the advantages of doing so will almost certainly surprise you. While you’re at it, condo living can be a perfect decision to further find new hobbies for you to try at home. If you want to have a go at condo living, consider taking a look at the various condo projects of the top property developer, Vista Residences.

Vista Residences is the condominium arm of the country’s largest homebuilder, Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc., which offers ready for occupancy and pre-selling condominium projects in Manila and Quezon City that is strategically located within inner-city areas, in close proximity to premium universities and developed business districts.

At Vista Residences, unit owners can take advantage of the property’s centrality. The properties of Vista Residences are strategically located near the country’s premium universities and CBDs, making them an attractive investment for both local and foreign investors.

Living in Vista Residences enables you to enjoy convenience, where everything is pretty much within walking distance or a few minutes away from the property; comfort because the project features and amenities are designed to deliver comfort at all times, which makes condo living a worthy investment; security that is 24/7 and CCTV monitoring, which makes the residents safe and secure within the property.

In line with Vista Residences’ thrust to offer convenience among its residents, it also features an AllDay Convenience Store and Coffee Project in all its projects.

Vista Residences is part of Vista Land’s roster of vertical housing brands that cater to millennials and young professionals. The other vertical brands include Camella Manors, COHO, and Crown Asia.

For more information on Vista Residences, email, follow @VistaResidencesOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, or call the Marketing Office at 0999 886 4262 / 0917 582 5167.   

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