Gen X and Boomers Go Digital in Condo Investing

Jun 23, 2021

During these times, digitalization is a trend to an easier and more convenient everyday lifestyle. Online platforms have been a huge help for businesses and start-ups to reach more engagements with users.

In this time of the pandemic, going digital has boomed mainly to survive the challenges brought about by the virus. People are encouraged to stay indoors, causing the rise of many delivery services to bring essentials inside homes and online businesses which can be done at home.

To cope up with the current circumstance, Vista Residences, the condominium development arm of Vista Land, is now digitalizing its transactions and operations made conveniently for the customers and stakeholders.

Digital payment is a fairly new concept. This uses the technology we have at our disposal — veering away from the common cash payment basis.

Usually, inclining towards technology is perceived as alienating the elderly.

The youth is generally more familiar with technology compared to their older counterparts. Nonetheless, contrary to general belief, Vista Residences added digital payments to their modes of payments to ease purchasing for their older customers.

With the introduction of this, Gen X and boomer customers can now pay through an array of contactless payment methods.

The older generation

What constitutes a Baby Boomer and a Gen X?

Starting with Baby Boomers, they are those born from 1943-1960. The term “boomer” refers to the surge in the rate of births after World War II. Baby boomers have reached senior citizenship already.

Moving on to the latter, Generation X inhabitants are born from 1961-1980. Gen X babies are in their mid-lives. They are preparing for retirement, if not retired already. 

As mentioned above, technology is an advantage that the millennials have over the Baby Boomers and the Gen X babies.

Millennials, or Generation Y, are humans born from 1981-2000. The older millennials are either currently experiencing their quarter-life or have experienced and are past it. The latter is the working-age while the younger millennials are on the cusp of graduation.

This is the generation that grew up with the internet and the first real rise in technological advancements.

Aside from the internet, technological advancements include Sony Walkman, the first Nintendo Gameboy, an Apple Macintosh 128K. Then came the Nokia 1011, Text Messaging, and Google.

The list above are innovations beginning in the 1980s up to the 1990s. Since this falls under the millennial timeline, there is no surprise as to why the Gen X people have a higher grasp of technologies compared to those who came before them.

In an attempt to explain this observation, in a Philippine context, the Baby Boomers and the Gen X babies lived through post-war reparations and terrors in national politics, respectively.

Baby Boomers experienced the bulk of innovations focused on repairing infrastructures, businesses, and agriculture — all to boost the economy.

On the other hand, for Gen X, their lives were mired in political conflict.

Gen X lived through one Philippine President turned Dictator, who extended his term, declared Martial Law, plundered an enormous amount of cash, committed countless human rights violations, en route to EDSA, where Gen X united to overthrow the tyrannical and kleptocratic national leader.

Based on the narrative of their lived experiences, there was just too much going on to spark a culture focused on technology.

But the focus of technology is not to alienate but rather, to make life less hard than it already is.

That is why Vista Residences’ use of digital payment is meant to make paying easier for Baby Boomers and Gen X customers.

Digitalized transactions

Customers interested in our pre-selling condos can contact us immediately.

Vista Residence made various implementations to facilitate the introduction of online viewing and payments. Condo living is now made easier for the Baby Boomers and Gen X.

These implementations include:

Virtual Investment Presentation/ Webinars

  • To get in touch with the client, since face-to-face meet-ups are longer encouraged, we made a platform where clients, sellers, and marketing can talk and discuss project presentations.
  • If you are still hesitant in what property to purchase, or to even buy one at all, Webinars are conducted to explain and field questions. This can hopefully nudge a customer into buying property.
  • Open houses are now done digitally. This will be explained more in Virtual Tours.

Online Reservation

  • You can now reserve a unit in Vista Residences literally at the tip of your fingers. You may access the reservation portal via
  • Our website has a chat box where you can communicate with one of our representatives in real-time.
  • Our website displays our address, email addresses, contact numbers, and Social Media Pages. Conversely, you can leave contact details of your own and wait for us to contact you.

Virtual Tours

  • Since trippings and on-site visits are not encouraged these days because of the pandemic, Vista Residences made use of Virtual Tours where open houses are conducted virtually.
  • Home seekers can get to experience the projects of Vista Residences in the comforts of their own homes or wherever they may be.

Online payment facilities

  • In accordance with IATF guidelines, we want to minimize face-to-face contact and observe social distancing. We at Vista Residences prioritize one’s health, especially during these trying times. Health and safety protocols are always followed here.
  • Therefore, Vista Residences massively partnered with different online facilities to be able to cater to their clients. They can pay their down payment or reservation fees anytime, anywhere.

The standard for the future

Aside from easing and adding to the different ways Baby Boomers and Gen X customers can avail of our products, the point of digitalized transactions is to reduce the use of cash — preferred use of cashless payment.

The benefits of cashless payments are the transferring of cash, which are potential carriers of COVID, making transactions anytime and anywhere; through your phone or any device, and faster transactions.

Just like Vista Residences’ implementations for easy online transactions, if we can help the elder citizens understand how to use technology to their advantage, cashless payments will become prevalent, even after the pandemic.

Kickstart your first investment with Vista Residences condo properties. It offers ready for occupancy condo properties and pre selling condos around the metro cities in the country. You may choose from their condo in Manila, condo in Quezon City, and Pasig. It also offers a premium condo living around the other CBDs and nearby provinces from north to south.

For more information on Vista Residences, email, follow @VistaResidencesOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube, or call the Marketing Office at 0999 886 4262 / 0917 582 5167.  

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