Making New Year's Resolutions This 2023

Dec 09, 2022

It is indeed a common thing for most of us that whenever a year is about to end and another year is about to come, making your own new year’s resolution is somewhat expected.

The majority of us have been making this a part of our routine for every year that has come to an end and has come to begin with. 

So, what’s with the popular New Year’s Resolution? 

New Year

A new year is about to start again!

New Year is an annual celebration celebrated every January 1st of the year. 

Days from now, everyone will be welcoming New Year 223!

Everyone is definitely excited to welcome another year filled with happiness, hopes, and blessings. 

To express everyone’s excitement and thrill to welcome the New Year celebration, New Year’s Eve is celebrated every December 31st of the year. 

More so, it has been a tradition mostly in the Philippines to have some festivals, firework displays, and the like to embrace the New Year.

Linking to these traditions of celebrating the New Year, it is also essential to be safe upon welcoming this big event. 

The following are some of the tips for a successful New Year:

  1. Be Safe with Fireworks
  2. Stay at Home As Much As Possible
  3. Avoid Crowded Places
  4. Be Vigilant with Your Surroundings
  5. Prepare Food with Your Loved Ones
  6. Make New Year’s Resolution for a Better and Hopeful New Year

New Year's Resolution

One of the most common things or tip for a successful New Year is making a New Year’s Resolution.

New Year’s Resolution is a tradition mostly in the Western world wherein a person pledges to himself or herself to change his or her bad habits or behavior, keep what is good on or for him or her, and aspire to do better for him or herself once the New Year begins. 

These resolutions depend on how and what a person wants to change, keep, or evolve for his or her own benefit – and also for the people around him or her. 

Ironically saying, a new year gives hope to everyone who wants to restart his or her life after what he or she has gone through in the past to current year. Although we can say that even today or tomorrow is also a chance to improve, yet for some, a new year is the best time to fully move on and be better. 

Reasons Why People Make New Year's Resolution

For a person who likes and believes in New Year’s resolution, it also gives them the time to think and reflect on who they were, who they are, and who they want to be in the future.

It is also taken as a good time to know and agonize the things a person has done, not just for himself but also for the people around him. It may have been tough, but also it may have been the best year of his or her life. Thus, making a new year’s resolution can be an avenue for another year – maybe a better one. 

A new year’s resolution may be just one, but it can also be a bunch of resolutions depending on the person who believes in it and creates it for themselves. 

People who believe in it and those who have been setting New Year’s resolutions for them are those people who hope for a better self and life for themselves and for the people around him or her. 

People tend to make common New Year’s resolutions and even unique new year’s resolutions. Some of the common New Year’s resolutions are to drink eight (8) glasses of water a day, work out or exercise more, eat healthier foods, discover a new talent or hobby, prioritize needs over wants, travel to new places, and save money. 

On the other hand, some of the unique New Year’s resolutions are meeting new friends often, try different restaurants every month, spend less time on social media, waking up earlier than your usual five to seven repeating alarms, so on and so forth. 

These are some of the new year’s resolution you may hear and encounter with your family, friends, and colleagues who makes resolutions for them every time a year is about to start. 

These resolutions really serve as a guide for a person to know what are the things he or she should not do to make it happen and realistic. 

Sticking to your new year’s resolution may not be easy due to unforeseen circumstances, and the habits exercise for so long, yet if you want to change, let betterment help you win. 

What are the three most common reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail?

Eyeing for fast outcomes and an easier route

We must admit that even a simple resolution such as exercising more for a fit body requires a long process – most probably if you or your body is used to resting more than moving more. A resolution like this may be simple, yet it requires a lot of effort, sacrifices, and a long way to get used to it. A fit body can’t be made for just a day of exercise. 

No Plan

We may have set one or a bunch of resolutions, yet if we don’t know how to make it happen may result in failure. We still need to plan how we can do it properly and fairly for ourselves and for the people around us. Planning is the initial step to making it real.


All things we do and want to have can be met once we are consistent in making it happen – so do our New Year’s Resolution. We should be consistent in doing this to see bigger changes day by day. Being inconsistent may make you lose the urge to push through with your resolution.

These are the three most common reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail so sticking to your new year’s resolutions will always be the best answer to the agony. Remind yourself that your sacrifices for the change you want for yourself will benefit you in the end. Always remember that your New Year’s Resolution is your guide for your betterment. Don’t let negativities affect your willingness to make it all happen. 

As the New Year is slowly approaching, let everything you dream for yourself be real. All your dreams, aspirations, and goals are slowly happening for you along the way. 

For more information on Vista Residences, email, follow @VistaResidencesOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, or call the Marketing Office at 0999 886 4262 / 0917 582 5167.  

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