Things you Should Consider Doing in 2022 | Condo Tips

Jan 02, 2022

2021 gave us one whole crazy ride but as the new year settles in, it seems like a fresh new start. Many people may know what they want to do this year but for those who haven't, it's okay, don't rush. There's still time. The key things to keep in mind are to plan for the future and choose your priorities by starting with a list of ten things to do in 2022. Here are 10 things to do things you should consider doing in 2022:

Buy your condo

If you are not into buying your house yet, then opt for condo living. Start saving and investing for your condo unit. You may be thinking to buy a high-end condo or a mid-range one but the important thing is that you have something to call yours. Buying your own condo in the Philippines or anywhere you want can be easy if you start saving now that is why it's on top of the list.

Write that book

Have the courage to do things you've always wanted to try. Start writing the novel you've always wanted to write or any book that comes to mind. It doesn't have to be your best seller yet, just write. A lot of people may say that they want to write a book but no one actually writes them. So start right now and if you are not feeling the flow, just write.

Start cooking more healthy meals in the kitchen

Cooking should be a hassle-free task. Unfortunately, it isn't always. You can always see people buy meals when they don't have the time to create their own but it is time that we all start cooking more healthy meals in the kitchen. Start cooking healthy meals such as salmon, chicken breast, and vegetables so you are less prone to health problems.

Catch up on reading

You probably have books you want to read for quite some time now and it is high time you pick them up and just read. Reading is important because it helps your mind relax but also, makes your creativity soar up there. That is why you should always have time to read.

If you don't have time to start reading books now, keep the list and do it when you have some free time.

Make a bucket list

Yes, you may be sweating it out now but just let yourself think about the things that are worth doing for the next four years of your life. Think about your bucket list and start ticking items off so that you can feel accomplished in 2022. Start by writing down your bucket list and make sure to cross items off as soon as they are done so 2022 is a year full of accomplishments.

Learn to play an instrument

Another skill update is learning how to play an instrument. If you have time to spare, why not use it in learning how to play an instrument? You can take a music class for beginners or just simply buy one and start playing on your own. It's never too late to learn new skills and it's even more fun if you do it when 2022 has just started.

Start journaling

Journaling is a way to help you deal with your emotions and of course, it is something that you should start doing right now. It might seem difficult at first but the more you stick to it, the easier it gets. If you have never journaled before, get a journal that's easy for you to use and start filling it with words.

Get your own pet

If you're into pets, then have your own pet before 2022 arrives. Pets can give you company, especially during lonely nights or weekends as they spend time with you while everyone else is busy with their lives. Their company will be helpful if you are home alone, especially if you have that puppy face that will melt your cold heart.

Go to the gym

Another way to find balance in your life is to go to the gym. Exercise is important for the body and for your health so if you haven't been going to the gym, now is the time. Find time in your schedule for exercise. Start with a 15-minute walk or hit the gym. Sometimes, it's just as simple as just starting and building that habit. Start from small steps, like going at least five times a week and before you know it, you'd be going every single day. Lastly;

Take a trip

As you go to the gym and prepare yourself mentally, start saving money to go on that trip you've been wanting to do. For example, plan a trip to Bali if you want but first, start saving now so the trip will be assured once 2022 arrives. It doesn't have to be expensive because there are always cheap flights out there so no excuses! If you are busy right now and you think this is not possible, we say it is because it's not too late yet

Say no to people's expectations

Instead of giving in to all the expectations that people have for you, just say no. You don't have to stop your dreams because there are ways around giving up your dreams for someone else's expectation. Learn to make yourself a priority in your life and deal with people's expectations on your own.

Those are all the things to do before 2022 arrives. The most important thing is that you start doing these things now so that you won't regret not doing them in the future. Doing something today is better than not doing something at all because we can always start tomorrow and provide ourselves a little bit better tomorrow when we have a better chance to start.

This year, doors of opportunities may slowly start opening up for you. It is okay to let go of the old year's disappointments and whatnots because they are already gone and you can't change them anymore. Move on and look forward to a new year ahead, full of new promises and goals to achieve, only this time, you have four years to make all your dreams come true. Doing new things allow growth and advancement and you should always look forward to that. Don't wait until 2022 to get a new beginning, you can begin right now.

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Vista Residences is the condominium arm of the country’s largest homebuilder, Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc. that offers ready for occupancy and pre-selling condominium projects in Manila, Makati, Mandaluyong, Quezon City, Ortigas, Baguio, Cebu, and CDO that are strategically located within major cities, in close proximity to premium universities, transit-oriented locations, and developed business districts.   

At Vista Residences, unit owners can take advantage of the property’s centrality. The properties of Vista Residences are strategically located near the country’s premium universities and CBDs, making them an attractive investment for both local and foreign investors.

Living in Vista Residences enables you to enjoy convenience, where everything is pretty much within walking distance or a few minutes away from the property; comfort because the project features and amenities are designed to deliver comfort at all times, which makes condo living a worthy investment; security that is 24/7 and CCTV monitoring, which makes the residents safe and secure within the property.

In line with Vista Residences’ thrust to offer convenience among its residents, it also features an AllDay Convenience Store and Coffee Project in all its projects.

For more information on Vista Residences, email, follow @VistaResidencesOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, or call the Marketing Office at 0999 886 4262 / 0917 582 5167.

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